Monthly Bouquet Subscription: Raindance Best-of-the-Farm

Our bouquet subscribers receive the best blooms the farm has to offer at harvest time— ranunculus, anemones, fancy narcissus, tulips, peonies, snapdragon, zinnia, sunflowers, and so many dahlias— all in season. Our floral style includes many complementary color combinations with bits of whimsy and amazing greens that dance with texture.

Monthly Bouquet Subscription: Raindance Best-of-the-Farm Monthly Bouquet Subscription: Raindance Best-of-the-Farm Monthly Bouquet Subscription: Raindance Best-of-the-Farm
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Monthly Bouquet Subscription: Raindance Best-of-the-Farm

Pick up a gorgeous hand-tied bouquet of the best blooms the farm has harvested each week! Brighten your space or give bouquets as gifts! You can choose the frequency of pickup— once a week, biweekly, or monthly.

Locally grown flowers are uncommon, extra fresh, more likely to be fragrant, and longer lasting in the vase. Did you know that 80% of flowers purchased in the US have traveled thousands of miles from other continents? We receive many comments from our customers about how long our bouquets last. As farmers we know that those extra-long vase lives are due to the tiny hop from field to vase and our best practices in keeping our water and tools clean.

We love to bring you the very best local blooms we are capable of growing because we know they are special and hard to find.

This subscription brings you anemones, double peony-type tulips, ranunculus, double peonies, unusual sunflowers, lisianthus, tropical curcuma, the entire rainbow of dahlias, heirloom chrysanthemums and double roselilies.

We want to bring you our most vibrant seasonal blooms year-round. In exchange, Bouquet Subscription Members provide the farm with reliable income year-round, making our small family farm that much more financially sustainable.